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The idea for Night Train slowly evolved over a period of about seven years. Rod Siino and Rusty Barnes, having attended graduate school together, kept in touch after graduation via email, phone and letters while moving from state to state: Rusty from Massachusetts to Texas and back again; Rod from Massachusetts to Colorado to California to Rhode Island and back to Massachusetts. Why so many moves? Just seeing what�s out there, is all.

They would often discuss what they would do if....And, wouldn't it be nice to start up a.....And, well, you get the point. But, truthfully, Night Train started almost by accident. Rod, while feeling particularly crazed with the need to do something more than just work with moody clients on endless projects, sent Rusty an email with one sentence: "Hey, so let�s start that literary journal we�ve been talking about." That was all it said. He didn�t write, "Hello, how are you?" or, "I would like to discuss a situation of utmost importance. Please get back to me at your earliest convenience." This is a true story. Rusty�s reply, "Let�s do it," seemed to appear in Rod�s email inbox almost immediately. They met the next day, in February of 2002, at Rod�s apartment in the Davis Square neighborhood of Somerville, MA.

The thing about this whole venture that makes it so fun and rewarding is that we�re all friends here. We want that to come out in our web site and in how we deal with you, our contributors and readers. We consider you to be the heart and soul of this publication. Without you, we are nothing; this magazine wouldn�t exist. So, thanks for the well wishes. Thanks for visiting our site. Thanks for buying our journal. And, thanks for sharing your work with us.

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